XI-th International Conference


Achievements, Developments and Perspectives"

Belgrade, Serbia

July 1-5, 2024



We are delighted to announce the XI-th International Conference "SOLITONS, COLLAPSES AND TURBULENCE: Achievements, Developments, and Perspectives" (SCT-2024). This conference will honor the memory of the distinguished Russian scientist, Professor Vladimir E. Zakharov, a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Regent Professor at the University of Arizona. The event will take place in Belgrade, Serbia, July 1-5, 2024.

The conference is organized by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences and Institute of Physics and the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.

The technical organiser of the conference is the Panacomp zemlja čuda company: https://www.panacomp.net
A memorial page was prepared, where you will find information about V.E. Zakharov and His work, as well  as photos and selected poetry.
The conference venue is the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Dress code

The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts is a distinguished institution of supreme national importance. We kindly ask you to respect a dress code and not to wear :

  •  short skirts and pants (above the knee)
  • spaghetti straps, tank top, and sleeveless skirts
  • flip-flops and open-toed sandals